The Pleasure Of Finding Things OutAs you know, Richard Feynman was one of the greatest physicists of the 20th century-from his work on the atomic bomb to his solution to the puzzle of the space shuttle Challenger disaster, Feynman helped to shape the world as we know it. Perseus Books is publishing a new collection of Feynman gems called THE PLEASURE OF FINDING THINGS OUT (Helix Books/Perseus Books, September 21, 1999), where we can again witness Feynman's genius in action-from the inner circle at Los Alamos during World War II to typical Feynman hijinks - safe cracking, sneaking in and out of the top-secret labs, plaguing US censors with codes and talcum powder, and much more. We learn about the physicist as a child, how his father delighted in showing him the world and how he, the young boy, took great pleasure in "finding things out." Since you host a Feynman web site, I wanted to get in touch about the possibility of getting information on this book on your site and would also like to ask you to consider linking to the Perseus Books/Feynman web page at www.perseusbooks.com <editor's note - this WWW page seems to be disconnected>. THE PLEASURE OF FINDING THINGS OUT also shows Feynman at his scientific best as he reveals his vision of the computers of the future (a vision which has already partially become reality), his conception of the value of science, and his conclusions on the Challenger explosion. Throughout each piece, we experience Feynman, complete with his trademark quirky language. From his ruminations on science in our culture and descriptions of the fantastic properties of quantum physics to his personal recollections of boyhood, we become co-travelers on the journey of Feynman's life-a life like no other. Many of the pieces in THE PLEASURE OF FINDING THINGS OUT were originally published in obscure, small-circulation publications and are now being brought to a mainstream audience for the first time. A treasure trove of ideas and amusements, THE PLEASURE OF FINDING THINGS OUT is Feynman at his best. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. We are eager to work with you to help bring the works of Richard Feynman to the widest audience possible and thank you in advance for your help! Best wishes, Sharon Rice |