The Tuva Philatelic Research SocietyThe Tuva Philatelic Research Society was born in 2001 and is now defunct. Here' s a copy of the email announcing the group's existence.
Thu, 28 Jun 2001 From: "J. Eric Slone" Hi: As promised, I've begun a new organization for people interested in the study and collecting of Tuvan stamps and postal history. Named the Tuva Philatelic Research Society, you can find us online at <obsolete address deleted in 2007>. The site is currently undergoing development, but enough is there now to get a good idea where we are going. Membership is:
If you join by the end of July, you get a two year membership for the price of one (regular and junior members). So what does membership buy you? For all site visitors we offer a discussion group/community with real-time chats, FREE classified ads, and FREE downloads of cool Tuva-related items. We are a new and evolving organization. If you are interested in being involved, perhaps even being an officer in the society, please let me know. We are looking for a president, vice-president, and all the other usual accomplices. Please note that I am running this organization on a temporary basis until someone else steps forward to run it. I hope you'll visit and join us! Best wishes, |