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2001 Khoomei Symposium

We are awaiting news of the dates for the next international khoomei festival.  When we learn anything more we will post the news here.

The latest news (as of Tuesday, April 17, 2001) comes from Kostya Khlynov at the International Khoomei center, via our correspondent Brian Donahoe.  The Center is not having a khoomei festival or symposium at all this year. The Ministry of Culture is sponsoring a music festival in mid-July in the town of Chadan, but it is not specifically a khoomei festival.

Other sources inform us that the festival "Ustuu-Khuree" is to be held from the 4th to the 9th of July, 2001.  This festival is organized with the participation of the Ministry of Culture of Tuva.

We also hear that there will be a symposium in 2002, to coincide with Kongar-ol Ondar's birthday party; the Dembildei festival has it's own WWW site at .

Interested parties are invited to  check the Center's web page at: .  Readers are advised that the Center's
pages are not in English - but there's lots of cool stuff there!
Or e-mail the Center directly at: [email protected] .

  • Prior news was that a symposium had planned for either June or July of 2001.

  • We had also heard that there is some possibility that this year's symposium may be delayed until 2002 or even 2003.

This page was last updated on Wednesday, July 29, 2009 .