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Live chat with the creators of
Genghis Blues!

January 31 2004, at 9PM Eastern Standard Time, Adrian and Roko Belic will be chatting live at!

Adrian and Roko took their film Genghis Blues to the Academy Awards in the year 2000; this is an opportunity for fans to talk about the film and maybe ask about what the brothers have in store for the future.

If you go to the page, there's a list of channels (boards, browser, calendar, chat, etc) Just click on the chat button, and it'll lead you to the events that are taking place that week. Once you're on that page, you can go to register, or login if you're already a member, and that'll enable you to join any chat going on.

Following is the link for the Lycos chat on January 31st at 9:00 PM EST.

Guests can create a log on name, and click on the Genghis icon to enter the chat room.