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Tuva Talk: The Reindeer People

Coming soon to the Washington, DC, area, is a panel discussion on South Siberian and Mongolian reindeer herders.  The names of some of the participants should be familiar to some Tuvaphiles.  The informal announcement follows:

To my Friends and Family in the DC area and others who might be attending the American Anthropological Association's Annual Meetings:

I'd like to inform you of a panel session that I've organized for this year's American Anthropological Association's annual meetings in Washington.

The title of the panel is, "The South-Siberian / Mongolian Reindeer Herding Complex: Endangered Lands, Languages, and Livelihoods in Comparative Perspective." We have an excellent, interdisciplinary panel of young researchers, all of whom have done extensive fieldwork and/or applied work in south Siberia and Mongolia.

The panel includes the following people:

Brian Donahoe (PhD Candidate in Ecological Anthropology at Indiana University; Project Anthropologist for the Altai-Sayan Language and Ethnography Project; panel organizer and chair): PROPERTY RIGHTS AND MAINTENANCE OF LANGUAGE AND LIFESTYLE AMONG THE TOZHU-TYVA AND TOFA REINDEER HERDERS;

David Harrison (PhD-Linguistics, Yale; currently a post-doc at Swarthmore; Director of the Altai-Sayan Language and Ethnography Project): SOUTH SIBERIAN REINDEER HERDING: PERSPECTIVES FROM ETHNOECOLOGY, ECOLOGICAL LINGUISTICS AND THE INDIGENOUS COMMUNITY;

Susie Crate (PhD Candidate in Ecology at UNC-Chapel Hill): THE LEGACY OF THE VILYUI REINDEER-HERDING COMPLEX;

Daniel Plumley (Ecologist; Director of the TOTEM Peoples Preservation Project, a special project of Cultural Survival, Inc.): REQUIEM OR RECOVERY � THE XXIst -CENTURY FATE OF THE REINDEER CULTURES OF GEOGRAPHIC CENTRAL ASIA;

Alan Wheeler (PhD student in Anthropology at Cambridge University working with Dr. Caroline Humphrey and Dr. Piers Vitebsky): INALIENABLES, IDENTITY AND REINVENTING REINDEER HERDING IN NORTHERN MONGOLIA.

The meetings are being held in the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, 2660 Woodley Road, just across the street from the Woodley Park Metro Station. Technically, you're supposed to be registered to attend, but no one ever checks, so if you want to see my panel, just waltz on in like you own the place, then ask someone who has a program which room my panel session is in. Unfortunately, the panel is scheduled for the first slot on the first day of the meetings (Wednesday, 28 Nov., from 12:00 - 1:45), so attendance will probably be pretty sparse. Hope to see at least a few of you there.

Brian Donahoe