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Tuvan Oral Story Competition

For this competition, every non-Tyvan who is learning and speaks Tyvan is invited to to tell a story about Tyva, Tyvan people, language and culture. The competition will be evaluated by a jury of professionals working with the Tyvan language (e.g., scholars, journalists, etc.).

This competition is sponsored and organized by the Department of Education and Youth Politics, Tuvan Institute for the Humanitarian Research at the Government of the Tyva Republic, and New Century Television (Kyzyl).


The competition will be on New Century Television. For those not living in Tyva, you can send a video of your oral story.

Criteria of Evaluation:

  1. Completeness of story
  2. Grammar

Requirements for the Participants:

  1. Full Name of the Author
  2. Title of the Story
  3. Contact Information (address, phone number, email, etc.)
  4. Age
  5. Education
  6. Occupation
  7. 5-10 minutes

Results of Competition

The jury will take the choose the more interesting stories. The stories will not be returned to participants if submitted.

If you participate in the competition, you agree to the conditions of the competition.

Deadline: 15 August 2010

Please send DVDs of your entry to:

Contact for those who speak English: Tayana Arakchaa
    +7 (394422) 2-25-91

Posted May 17, 2010.