FOBOS: Weather in Kyzyl/Tuva
Kyzyl Weather

Journey To Tuva - Part Three

These images are all stored as compressed JPEG's. Be patient; although the files are small it may take a while these to transfer and decompress. It's worth it, though!    You can click on either the thumbnail or the hyperlink to get a bigger version of the image.

mus_man.jpg (136735 bytes)  fld_man1.jpg (68160 bytes)  fld_man2.jpg (70548 bytes)This is a stone man that is now kept in the yard of the national museum in Kyzyl. This man traditionally would have stood out in a field and is presumed to have marked the grave of a clan leader or the head of a rich family, but it is so old (about 4,000 years old) that no one really knows for sure what purpose the statues served. This statue us very similar to one we saw out near Ak-Dovorak , in the western half of the country. The statue is shorter than a person, as you can see in this picture that gives it some perspective; this is the same stone man, with our guide, a translator, and one of my fellow travellers.

ensemble.jpg (183161 bytes)  Here's a picture of the Tuva Ensemble sitting around on their horses at the side of a lake. The Ensemble is a singing group that has toured in North America, and a few of those in this photo have since formed another popular group, Huun-Huur-Tu.

inside.jpg (154508 bytes)  Here's a picture taken inside a yurt that we visited. In the foreground is the chimney of the wood stove in the lower right corner, as well as some pots and bowls full of the dairy products we have just been fed. In the background is an elaborately carved wooden chest, as well as a decorative cloth draped over the TV set.

wrest_01.jpg (107245 bytes)  When we were in the city of Ak-Dovorak, we got to see the local wrestling championships . Tuvan wrestling is a little different; two men, wearing traditional boots, tight briefs, and a long-sleeved open-chested vest square off. The first to touch the ground with anything other than his feet loses, and that seems to be the only rule. As the wrestlers are introduced to the crowd before the match, they do the dance of the eagles, where they wave their hands like an eagle wings; the winner will also get to do the dance of the eagle around the flag pole after the match. The referees are also visible in this photo in their bright robes.

aksug_01.jpg (159658 bytes)  We spent a few nights in a yurt at the side of the Ak-Sug . Ak-Sug translates as white water, and you can see a little bit of the rushing river on the upper right side of the photo; it is so white it looks like it might be a road. This picture was taken from a ridge overlooking the narrow Ak-Sug valley, and the taiga (forest) on the other side of the river quickly rises up the side of a mountain.

yeltsin1.jpg (64309 bytes)  yeltsin2.jpg (60755 bytes)   These two photos were taken by singer Kongar-ool Ondar. The strange man in the picture should be well known to most people. I'm not quite certain what Boris Yeltsin is doing in these photos, but he visited Tuva in June of 1994 and these pictures were taken in Bai-Taiga district just south-west of Kyzyl. On the right hand side of the second photo you can see K.A. Bicheldei, the chairman of the Tuvan Supreme Parliament.

cold_ond.jpg (88363 bytes)  parlmnt.jpg (121905 bytes)Speaking of singer Kongar-ool Ondar , here's a picture of him and his family taken downtown in Kyzyl, in the fall. In the background is Tuva's national theatre, and far in the background (off to the left) you can see the Parliament Building .

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