President Putin and Prince Albert Visit Tuva
In August of 2007, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prince
Albert of Monaco visited Tuva. Among other activities, they fished along
the Yenesei River, visited remote Lake Tere-Khol, and took in a concert.
Here we reproduce some of the images found on websites reporting
on the visit. Attribution for the photos is hard to come by: they are all
available at the office of the President of Russia, but they are also provided
by various news outlets and by AP. Attribution is provided where we could
find it.

August 13, 2007. Kongar-ol Ondar greets Russian President Vladimir Putin
at the Kyzyl airport.
Photo courtesy of the
office of the President of Russia.

President Putin meets singers of the ensemble Alash.
Photo courtesy of the
office of the President of Russia.

President Putin visiting a yurt.

August 13,
President Putin and Prince Albert enjoying a campfire concert.
Photo courtesy of the
office of the President of Russia,
AP Photo/RIA-Novosti, Dmitry Astakhov, Presidential Press

President Putin in the mountains of Tuva.
Photo courtesy of the
office of the President of Russia.