Siberian Russia: Journey to the Center of Asia
Trip #: 03785A
Dates: July 25 to August 10, 2003
Price: $2,345 (9-11)/ $2,895 (8 or fewer); Deposit: $200
Leader: Pritpal Singh Kochhar, "Pepi"
Join us for this fascinating and remote voyage through the
Western Sayan Mountains to the crossroads of ancient
civilizations and religions. We'll hike in national parks and
nature preserves to experience the diversity of the vast
Siberian landscape-from taiga to steppe to desert. We'll enjoy
a boat ride on the Yenisey River through breathtaking scenery
as we look for ibex, bear, yak, and a variety of migratory birds.
We'll also visit ancient Tuva, the junction of historical caravan
routes from China, India, and Europe.