FOBOS: Weather in Kyzyl/Tuva
Kyzyl Weather

Here's an announcement we received... we have no affiliation with this group.  If you have any feedback on travel with this group, please let us know!


Tuva tours for foreigners organized in Siberia
Date: Sat, 10 May 2003 12:13:22 +0700
From: sibpoint <[email protected]>
Organization: sibpoint

Dear "Friends of Tuva",

We have got acquainted with your site on the Internet. We think that our information will be interesting for you, as it concerns the subject you are engaged in.

Who are we? We are tourist-operating management company "Sibirpoint".
We live in Siberia in Krasnoyarsk 850 km from Tuva. We have been working for eight years together with Swiss companies "Reisebuero Mittelthurgau" and "Viking River Cruises" in Siberia on the Yenesei River operating the river cruises on board the M/S Anton Chekhov. The Anton Chekhov is a luxury river cruiser for 160 guests, it always responds to the higher standards of the world tourism.

Two years ago we steted to organize bus tours to Tuva on the Great Sayan Ring. We have made several trips with European (Swiss and German) guests. Now we are working on group tours as well as on individual trips. We are also taking part in building a yurt hotel for twenty
persons near Kyzyl, the capital of Tuva. If this information seems to be interesting for you, feel free to contact us for the further information.

Visit us on the web, sorry there is only a German variant yet. <link deleted as the site no longer exists>

Best regards,
sibpoint <link deleted as the site no longer exists>



As of April 2001, an English website is available at <link deleted as the site no longer exists>.

Please let us know at Friends of Tuva if you can provide any feedback on their services.


As of September 2007, this company's sites seem to be kaput.