Tour to Tuva - 2007[Note - the Friends of Tuva received this email in May of
2007. Dear Friends and Tuva Enthusiasts, please consider joining me and a small group for a 14 day musical and nature journey in Tuva starting in late July. The tour will center on the annual Ustuu-Khuree Festival of Alive Music which embodies all aspects of the vibrant Tuvan culture. It is located at a beautiful camp along the Chadaana River in western Tuva. We will also visit a number of other beautiful natural landscapes and cultural sites of Tuva along the way. General Tour Description (see photos at the link)http://www.scs-intl.com/trader/tuva_concerts_tours.htm The Tour begins the day you arrive in Kyzyl (Capital of Tuva, Republic of Russia). Participants fly first to Moscow and then to Kyzyl (riding the trans-Siberian Railway to Abakan and then busing to Kyzyl is also possible). On the day you arrive in Kyzyl our group will have an orientation with a native Tuvan Translator/Guide with a visit to the Center of Asia monument along the banks of the great Yenisey River and close to the TOS DEER Shamanic Clinic. On the second day we explore the Tuvan Cultural Museum and visit a sacred-salubrious springs near Kyzyl. The week continues with a visit to the shamanic clinic TOS DEER along the banks of the Yenisey where we will meet with shamans and receive a blessing. Later we will visit the Khoomei Center and be introduced to throat-singers who will accompany us to the Ustuu-Khuree Festival. These first few days of events are likely change a-bit as I get more information from participants about their particular interests. There will also be free time planned for self guided explorations. The Ustuu-Khuree festival at a camp in the village of Chadaana will be the heart of our journey. This six day festival happens annually to bring together artists, musicians and celebrate all aspects of Tuvan life and culture including:
After the Ustuu-Khuree Festival and the Journey to Sut-Chol we will join Shamans at the site of a Sacred Spring and camp for one night before returning to Kyzyl for a last day of activities in Kyzyl before we part on the Fourteenth day. Participants can either fly out at that time or stay on in Tuva. Tuva Tour 2007 UpdateThe dates for the Ustuu-Khuree Music Festival are July 25th-29th so the Tuva trip will begin in the second half of July. The departure date for the groups US flights to Moscow should be July 18th or 19th (unless you want more time in Moscow or Kyzyl before we officially start) and the arrival date in Kyzyl should be on July 20th or 21st. This year's tour will be limited to 10 participants. I will gladly provide assistance as needed with your questions about obtaining Visa's, invitations and making travel plans. This process should be started about 6-8 weeks before departure. Official Tour dates in Tuva are expected to be July 21st through August 3rd but may change by one or two days, you are also welcome to arrange to stay longer or arrive earlier. Prices of Tuva Tour 2007
Prices cover all planned travel, accommodation, food, group cultural programs and related expenses while in Tuva for two weeks. Price does not cover Visa and Travel costs to Tuva or special food purchases. Registration
Additional costs and Considerations 1) Estimated Visa and Invitation will likely be around $200.
2) Estimated Round Trip Travel to Kyzyl via Moscow from the US will be around $1,700 - $2,000.
3) All descriptions given here are an approximation of what we will be doing and are likely to change or be somewhat different. 4) While I will do everything possible to facilitate a wonderful, safe and well planned but flexible experience for all, you must be prepared to feel uncomfortable at times and possibly, confused, sick, hungry, tired and cold, wet or hot. 5) Before making a final travel arrangements to Russia please check with me so that I can confirm that your dates/times will work with the overall schedule. Thank you so much for your interest in Tuva! Please consider sharing this wonderful adventure with us and pass this email/flyer along to anyone else who may be interested. Please call or email if you have any questions, or to get the questionnaire and
registration forms. Devan Miller |